

All-purpose vitamin for both children and adults which is safe and effective, providing daily vitamin, micro-nutrition value, and protection for the whole family.

How to produce

Step 1

Growing up Spirulina in the tank and check quolity every day.

All result verified by Cambodia, Pasteur institute of Cambodia, food & chemical service center(FCH), and recognized by Ministry of Health through Certificate of food Hygiene

Step 2

Harvesting Spirulina.

Filter Spirulina to remove the impurities

Step 3

Drying Spirulina

After that Spirulina is grinded by machine to powder

What is Spirulina

Spirulina is a WONDERFUL SUPERFOOD that is made from blue-green algae.


All-purpose vitamin for both children and adults which is safe and effective, providing daily vitamin, micro-nutrition value, and protection for the whole family


Available now in Tablets, or fine powder (for fruit smoothies) your choice, your convenience.


◆Our Spirulina ◆

Cambodia's first/ original, natural spirulina since 2007

No fillers! No buffers! No binders...

just 100% pure Spirulina, ‘No.1 Superfood'


Full of energy and vitality.

Become health by building your body's immune system to fight those unwanted infectiopns.

High in protein, minerals, vitamins and pigments.

Nutrition of Our Spirulina

◆58.8% good protein (→64.1%/2017)

protein keeps the body healthy protein contained in Spirulina contains ‘’essential amino acid’’ in good balance.

*9amino acids that can not be synthesized in sufficient quantity in the human body and must be ingested as nutrients


◆Abundant vitamins and minerals in good balance

  • Protein: Ingredient of body
  • Mineral: Support Vitamin's Function
  • Vitamin: Body tunung
  • Pigment & Others: Relate to health of beauty

【Nutrition Information】

  • Bata carotene : it is based on Vitamin A
  • VitaminB12: contained only animal food vegetarian is hard to get it.
  • Fiber: improvement of intestinal

           and more


◆Spirulina's Pigment

Spirulina has some pigments which has good effect.

  • B-catotene     → pro-Vitamin A
  • Chlorophyll   → Anti-oxident effect
  • Phycocyanin →    Detoxication


Health Benefit of Spirulina

①Full of Energy and Vitality.

②A great Immune System Booster

③Anti – Inflammatory


④Helpful in Allergies

⑤Anti – Cancer

⑥Purify the Liver

⑦Remove Toxin from the Blood – Lowerblood Cholesterol lLvel

⑧Improve the Digestive System –Body Detox


So! Spirulina can support Cambodian health◆Espcially it is effective for the following disease

  • Circulatory System Disease e.g. Hypertention Arterisclerosis
  • Cancer
  • Other infection disesase
  • Diabetes




Feature of Our Spirulina

1. 100% Natural Spirulina. No artificial additives

2. High in nutrition

High in Protein, minerals, vitamins and pigments

3. Good Taste

It doesn’t have strong smell.Our spirulina is very fresh because we harvest ourselves and check every day

If the smell is too strong, this actually indicates a high rate of oxidation and that the product has deteriorated

4. Lower Price

Direct dealing with So! Nutritious

5. Technical support & Quality control

All result verified by Cambodia, Pasteur institute of Cambodia, food & chemical service center(FCH), and recognized by Ministry of Health through Certificate of food Hygiene

6. Made in Cambodia

All So! Nutritious products are made in Cambodia, utilizing raw Cambodian produce bought direct from the local farmers or farming Co-operatives

Stores below

Super Duper,  Natural Garden, Mu Gourumet, and more...